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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5 Foods That Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Under eye skin is one the most delicate parts of our body. 

Consuming alcohol, lack of sleep, ageing, caffeine and lack of proper intake of water can result in dark circles around our eyes

Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E may help in reducing your dark circles. 

Drinking at least 2 litres of water every day and taking eight hours of sleep daily can fix the problem. Hydrating foods, mineral-rich foods and the foods that have circulation-boosting antioxidants are a plus.

Having said that, we have rounded up a list of foods that may help you to get rid of your dark circles:

1)Cucumber is a classic beauty food that has a high-water content, which hydrates our body and helps to fight against dark circles. It contains collagen-boosting silica, skin-strengthening sulphur along with vitamins A, C, E, and K, which increase the elasticity of blood vessels and helps remove the dark circles 

2) Watermelon has a high-water content, almost 92%, which helps to balance the water ratio in our body. It also contains beta carotene, lycopene, fibre, vitamin B1 and B6, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium that support our eye health. 

3) Tomato consists of powerful antioxidants that help in protecting the delicate blood vessels under our eyes and further encourages better blood circulation. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, lutein, beta carotene, quercetin, and vitamin C that are known for maintaining healthy skin regime. 

4)Sesame is regarded as a 'magic food', and you ask why? It is rich in vitamin E that helps to ease the formation of dark circles. It is known to eliminate the dark circles by nourishing the eyes and the ocular. 

5)Black currant is known to improve our blood circulation, especially to the optical nerve of our eyes. It contains anthocyanins that supply more oxygen to the tissues, further helping to reduce dark circles under the eyes. 

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